Wednesday, 30 November 2011

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

red rosa

There was much excitement yesterday...
We got the Christmas box down from the loft!
My 7 year old, who still believes in Father Christmas
made this lovely display to print out as her Christmas cards.
Tomorrow the countdown begins...


  1. I love the pictures of your daughter! Such a good card idea! My 11 next week year old still bloomin’ believes in him! Is it wrong/selfish that I wish she didn’t? Probably! Hope all is well with you Jane :)

  2. Kerry, that's amazing how have other kiddies not told her? or is it just to wind you up and secretly she's known for years! All good here Thank you. Hope London life is going well. x

  3. what a beautiful display... and wonderful red photos!

  4. I remember when I was that age and had shiny hair!
    the display is wonderful!! GREAT JOB.

    Do come say hi to my ceramic animals friends :-}

